Monday, October 31, 2011

Salt Dough Ghosts and T-Shirt Scarfs

   I haven’t been here in a week or so and I missed it :) I was sick for a little while there, I'm getting better now so, here I am.  
    Ive recently became obsessed with the website Pinterest. com. On this website I have found a million cool things!!!! So many ideas for parties, hair, decorating, you name it. My favorite is the DIY & Crafts, it has so many fun projects.

   The kids favorite is the Salt Dough!!! I first saw it (HERE) and it was for Salt Dough Ghosts,

which we made! I gotta tell you, its SO easy!! But MESSY!! Well at least so far it is. Ive made it twice, so im still trying to find my groove with it. We did somethings different from the recipe. I cut all the measurements in half because I wasnt sure how much it would make (then I noticed we were low on salt so half was perfect), we died the dough with food coloring instead of painting them. We weren’t that smart though and just put the food coloring in each little ghost, mixed him up and then formed him back into a ghost. Later I found out that you should put the drops of color in the WATER and BEFORE you mix all the ingredients together HAHAHA! Our way worked too but on try number 2, we did it the right way and our hands stayed tan :) No matter what, we had fun and that’s really what counts.Heres a few pics of our Ghosts...
      They came out a little brown :( we loved them anyway :D
   Now, My favorite is the T-Shirt Scarf :) I fist saw it (HERE) 
 but then I found this one (HERE) 
 and I think its better. I love this because you can use any shirt that you don’t mind cutting up and there is no sewing involved at all and all you need is t-shirts in any colors you want and scissors. I made one the same night I found it. Kiarrah made one the next day after seeing mine and then I made two more :D  With my first one, I should’ve made my circles smaller so that my scarf would have been tighter, lesson learned :) Now with the last two I made I didn’t use a t-shirt I used some really old ribbed tank tops that I had. And because it wasn’t a t-shirt the strips of shirt didn’t curl in like they are supposed to and they circles ended up being smaller which led to a smaller scarf. Perfect for the kiddos :D They ended up being warmer and looking better all together. 
    See i think the circles should be closer, oh well next time :)
    Love it :) i was so proud! Kiarrah couldn't wait to do one :D
    Proud Girl :D
      Heres the ribbed tank ones, i love them, im gonna try to make one for me but im gonna need more tanks first
     Jr modeling his :D
     Juice modeling hers :D
We had a lot of fun making them and theyve worn them everyday, ive put them in the washer and they made it out fine, i kept them out of the dryer though just in case ;) I hope you liked em! <3 Rae

For the recipe for the salt dough and more salt dough ideas here are the links…

For the T-Shirt Scarf tutorial and other t-shirt tutorials here are the links…

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Children Books

I thought I would share some books that my kids and I love. For homework everyday they both have to read.

Kiarrah, for 30 mins.. She really loves the Diary of a wimpy kid books. I just bought one for her on Amazon for 3 bucks!! It’s used but it looks like she was the first one too read it. I’ve added all the other Wimpy Kid books to our wishlist so that eventually she will have the whole set. I gotta admit, when she’s done reading it I’m gonna take a shot at it. I read the first few pages and I didn’t want to give it to her until I finished it but I did buy it for HER lol .

With Gabriel’s reading, he has to read one book to me and I have to read one book to him. Everyday we do it and we write it down for his teacher. We’re running out of books to read though so I’m gonna have to start adding to our library.

Here are some books that I love for them and that they love. They’re all positive or helpful in one way or another. :D

* I Knew You Could! A Book for All the Stops in Your Life By Craig Dorfman

I can’t even tell you how much I love this book. I wish I would’ve had it when I was little. Here’s one of my many favorite parts…… “When belief in yourself doesn't feel quite so pure, And your "I think I can" doesn't quite sound so sure, That’s when to push and to strive and to strain, To show the world you're not a giving-up train. And you're wise if you know that doing your best Means that sometimes you should slow down and rest. Speeding through your whole trip will only bring sorrow, So slow down today to be happy tomorrow. There's more to life that you'll learn as you go, Because figuring things out on your own helps you grow. Just trust in yourself and you'll climb every hill. Say, "I think I can" and you know what? You will!" <3 <3 <3

* Wemberly Worried By Kevin Henkes

I love this book because it reminds me of me when I was little. I worried about EVERYTHING too. Poor Wemberly! This book is perfect for kids who are facing something new. Like SCHOOL!! I didn’t have this book when my daughter started school but I did when my Son started. He was worried too! Here are some of Wemberly’s worries about school….. “Wemberly worried about the start of school more than anything she had ever worried about before.  What if no one else has spots? What if no one else wears stripes? What if no one else brings a doll? What if the teacher is mean? What if the room smells bad? What if they make fun of my name? Like I said poor Wemberly! <3

*Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? By Dr. Suess

This is one of my favorites, I think I enjoy it more then the kids do lol. It really makes you feel lucky. Here’s a part I love…..  “And you're so, so, So lucky you're not a left sock, left behind by mistake in the Kaverns of Krock! Thank goodness for all of the things you are not! Thank goodness you're not something someone forgot, and left all alone in some punkerish place like a rusty tin coat hanger in space That's why I say, "Duckie! Don't grumble! Don't stew! Some critters are much -much, oh, ever so much-much, so muchly much-much more unlucky than you!" <3

*What is a Star? A Just ask book  By Chris Arvetis

This book has a whole set. 25 books! Kids always have questions that sometimes we don’t know the exact answers too. These are perfect for answering those questions. And perfect for me because lord knows I don’t have all the answers. We have 3 of these books; I would like to get the other 22. <3


*Airmail to the Moon By Tom Birdseye 

This book is really funny. The way they talk cracks us up and if you can do your voice to fit the whole family it’s even funnier! I like it because it proves that you shouldn’t blame someone for something if you’re not absolutely sure! Something I always tell my kids! ….. “My name is Ora Mae Cotton of Crabapple Orchard, and last night somebody stole my tooth...somebody so crooked they screw their socks on every morning. And when I catch 'em, I'm gonna open up a can of gotcha and send 'em airmail to the moon!"


*The Fall Of Freddie The Leaf  By Leo Buscagila 

I loved this book when I was a kid. I think it has a way of explaining death so it isn’t so scary. I first read it when I was about 8 or 9 and it really helped me. :D  This was one of my favorite parts…. One day a very strange thing happened. The same breezes that, in the past, had made them dance began to push and pull at their stems, almost as if they were angry. This caused some of the leaves to be torn from their branches and swept up in the wind, tossed about and dropped softly to the ground. All the leaves became frightened. "What's happening?" they asked each other in whispers. "It's what happens in Fall," Daniel told them. "It's the time for leaves to change their home. Some people call it to die." "Will we all die?" Freddie asked. "Yes," Daniel answered. "Everything dies. No matter how big or small, how weak or strong. We first do our job. We experience the sun and the moon, the wind and the rain. We learn to dance and to laugh. Then we die."  <3 <3 <3

If you guys know of any great books that you think I might not know of please let me know. I want to keep adding to our collection :D  I included a link  to each book  just in case you  liked them.  <3 Rae

I knew you could  

Wemberly Worried 

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? 

What is a star? 

Airmail to the Moon 

The Fall Of Freddie The Leaf 


The other day I was cruisn the web and somehow I ran into a website that hooks you up with businesses that give you goodies for your Birthday!! I signed us up for most of them already.

The first set of freebies was for the kiddos :D

The most popular kid birthday club is Toys R Us’- Geoffrey’s Birthday club!! I’ve always loved this one, they get a gift card , a small in store celebration and a PHONE CALL from Geoffrey himself :D Last year was Kiarrahs last year for this club, age limit is 10. You can sign up your kiddo (HERE) :D  Sonics- Wacky Pack kids Birthday Club (HERE) they do half birthdays too!! I love that one because my daughter likes to say “I’m Ten and a half!” LOL well now she can get a small treat for her being ‘half’ ;). The Children’s Place (HERE), MOM also gets a GIFT! And Kmart (HERE) they get 5 Birthday Bucks, Bday crown, Happy Bday certificate, and a Bday fun pack with surprise goodies inside :D

There are also some that let you sign up the whole fam! I liked those; they all offer some kind of BOGO coupon or free meal ON YOUR Birthday…..

Baskin Robins (HERE), I Hop (HERE), Steak N Shake (HERE) they do Anniversaries too!!

Just YOUR Birthday ones are also printable/mailed BOGO coupons…..

Apple Bees (HERE), Dairy Queen (HERE), Chicken of the Seas- Mermaid Club LOL this one is funny (HERE), Arbys (HERE), Ben & Jerry’s- Cunk Slelunker (HERE), Black Angus'- Prime Club (HERE), Coldstone Creamery (HERE), Del Taco (HERE), El Toritos- Bull Ring (HERE), Hooters (HERE), Medieval Times join the Fellowship (HERE).

One last one, its for FurBabies!!!! Petco (HERE)!!

There were SO many more! These are just some that are familiar to me and my family. If you want to find more just Google Birthday Freebies :D Now start signing up to get you some Bday freebies :D

     <3 Rae

Saturday, October 15, 2011

pretty ReD....

ReD isn’t one of my favorite colors. In fact it’s probably my least favorites. I don’t own a lot of ReD, just a few things but I found myself wearing ReD two days in a row! Weird! So I decided to do a pretty ReD blog, like my  pretty PiNk blog. :D

        <3 pretty yummy ReD watermelon, my favorite fruit :p….

        <3 pretty ReD leaves during fall….

        <3 pretty ReD chucks that have to be Dorthy inspired….

        <3 pretty ReD eye :D….

        <3 pretty delicious weakness of mine. ReD Vines!!....

        <3 pretty ReD old school party cups. Ol’ faithful :D….

        <3 pretty nice ReD room….

        <3 pretty ReD starfish :D….

        <3 pretty cool ReD telephone booths, that remind me of Harry Potter….

        <3 pretty tasty ReD Velvet cake YUM….

        <3 pretty striped ReD socks, that I now want!!....

        <3 pretty awesome ReD microphone Onesi, I wish my kids could’ve had this when they were babies….

        <3 pretty fast ReD superhero…. 

     <3 Rae

Saturday, October 8, 2011


SO… I finished my first BookSneeze review and submitted it. Now I can choose my second book to review :D I saw about four that I wanted to read. It’s so hard to choose just one. They have a limited supply of books on print so I have to make sure that I don’t miss out on getting a good one.  After a few hours of looking up these books, I picked one!

 <3 Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back   By Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent

I can’t wait to get this book and start reading it!!  I’m very excited! I’ll let you guys know how it was when I’m finished. :D

pretty PiNk...

I was feeling PiNk today and since I don’t own a lot of PiNk, I started looking up PiNk clothes, then started looking up PiNk things :D I found so many things!! Google is amazing lol. Heres some pretty PiNk things………

            <3 pretty old PiNk stove, it reminds me of the one we used to have when we first moved in here….

            <3 pretty PiNk glasses, I LOVE these, I want them!!.....

             <3 pretty old PiNk phone, my Grandparents had one just like this one, except theirs was brown …..

           <3 pretty PiNk CHUCKS!!!!! Have I mentioned im OBSESSED with CHUCKS?? YES, I am and I wont change….

             <3 pretty PiNk Daughter Kiarrah on her 1st day of kindergarten, 5 years ago...

            <3 pretty PiNk tea set, they look smart hehe….

            <3 pretty PiNk building, I wish I knew where this was, I wanna see it….

             <3 pretty PiNk gun, if I had one of these I wouldn’t be so afraid of guns!....

           <3 pretty PiNk chair, this is SO on my Christmas list, PLEASE SANTA PLEASE!!....

            <3 petty beautiful PiNk tree….

            <3 pretty PiNk Hello Kitty shower curtain, this is what we have in our bathroom :D….

            <3 pretty yummy PiNk cupcakes….

            <3 pretty PiNk slippers…
                     <3 Rae

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Love & Respect Experience

The book i read was called The Love & Respect Experience A Husband-Friendly Devotional that Wives Truly Love By Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

The Love & Respect book is an amazing tool for couples to use to become closer to each other and God and to better understand one another and our many differences. It has 52 devotionals, one for every week. They all start out with a scripture and end with suggestions for prayer and actions. Each chapter is only a few pages long and all of them have Dr. Emerson’s personal experiences with his wife or testimonials from his many followers.

I chose this book not knowing anything about devotionals, now that I think about it that was kind of risky but a risk I am glad I took! I absolutely LOVED this book! The book is aimed at Married couples but I feel that it can be helpful in long relationships too. My Honey and I have both been married once before and those didn’t work out. Now that we are going on two years and have started a life together, I have come across some issues that I brought from my past bad relationship. This book really puts it all into perspective. I read it and couldn’t help but tear up and cry at some parts. I felt like my eyes had been opened, like I could see my other half for him and the Man that God made for me. All of our differences, the way we see things, everything was clearer after one chapter… Pink And Blue: Not Wrong Just Different!

I doubt I will use it the way it’s intended and not because I don’t think it will work. But because I cant really see My Honey and My self sitting down reading it together and talking about our feelings on what we read. (I should add that Emerson says you don’t have to read it together, you can do it however feels most comfortable to you and your other half.) But I have read the whole book and I have also read parts to my other half. When I feel myself being “Pink”, not seeing his “Goodwill” or about to take a ride on the “Crazy Cycle” I feel comfort in the fact that I have this tool to help me ovoid all that madness.

I could go on forever about how much I loved this book and how much I recommend it to couples but I wont.  I will say that if you’re having problems or simply want to be closer to your spouse and God, READ THIS BOOK! If just one of you reads it, ill be happy.  <3

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.