Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bird Snacks

I need to stock up on craft supplies! Anything that will keep the kids busy is my friend. Yesterday as I’m cleaning the kitchen, (for the second time of the day,) my Son got this huge spark of energy. It was too cold to shoo him outside and he kept asking to throw bird seeds outside SO, I decided to have him make some bird feeders. Thank goodness too because he was driving me bananas! LOL.

Last year we made some Bird Feeders out of Pine cones, Peanut Butter and Birdseed's...

They worked but Lordy were they MESSY!! It was so hard to roll them in birdseed's and to hang them from string and I think the birds either carried them away or they fell and our dog Bella got them. Bella LOVES peanut butter (she’s been sniffing at our new bird feeders since we put them up).

So as I said last year we made some using Pine cones, this year we did them differently. I saw the new-easier kind on this Blog (HERE) and thought to myself “GENIUS” “why didn’t I think of that?” In her version she used Toilet Paper rolls (I’ve been saving every roll since then)!! WOW, so much better, they’re easier to hold than the pine cones and instead of tying them to the tree, you can just slide them on to the branch! DUH!! I don’t know why I didn’t think about that! I’m just happy we found an easier way; I’m so easy to please ;)

Here are some pictures of Gabriel making some and the steps. Enjoy :)

 First we got an empty toilet paper roll and spread peanut butter all over it...
 The we spread birdseed all over our cutting broad...
 And rolled the peanut buttered toilet paper roll on the birdseed trying to get it as even as possible...
And then your DONE! And the birdies have a treat :) Now find a good branch to put them on...
I've been looking out for birds but still haven't been able to catch a picture of one.
      <3 Rae

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your sweet comment and link back to my blog! Love all the bird feeders together!
